Saturday 11 May 2013

Helpful Hailey

The sound of frantic wiping of my bed sheets means that my almost 15 month old has just spilt her milk and is trying to cover the evidence. It's been happening all morning as I wait in bed for hubby to cook me breakfast (with spiritual guidance from our daughter) for Mother's Day. I'm glad she's learning to clean up after herself. I need to find a cup that only let's out liquid in a toddlers mouth. Think I may have found one, stayed tuned!

We're also very grateful she's now able to help with the laundry and put the shopping away. I think it really helps that she likes clothes (socks in particular) and food. I'm working on teaching her to sort out pairs of socks, but she doesn't seem to have that much attention to detail yet.

She's also quite fond of stomping on our bag of rice and walking backwards. I'm sure she calls it dancing - well, maybe one day she'll call it that.  For now we are content with the "ar?" tagged onto the end of her ramblings and the "do?" that accompanies her pointing to or patting of an object.

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